26 Feb 2015

Nanna Salmi, the innovator of woven horsehair jewelry

Nanna Kristina Salmi
Born in 1949 in Lahti, Finland

Textile artist, textile artesan and designer
Decorative and every day textiles
Textile art appliqations in private and public collections

Textile designing
Interior designing
Garden designing
Designing and making horse hair fine jewelry since 1999

Hobbies - riding, gardening, arts and crafts, photographing, reading, dogs

Nanna tells:

"The idea came very slowly but surely. Sometimes, while grooming my horse, Nitte, and brushing her tail, I would hold her tail hair in my hand and wonder if it would be possible to make a strong ribbon using her hair, and that it would be interesting to try to do something that nobody had done or seen before. But I never tried, since there were so many projects I was already working on. The idea was like a wavering morning mist... it appeared and then disappeared again.

Nitte stayed at the nearby farm together with fifteen other horses. The boarders at the farm where Nitte lived and I wanted to give something special to the stable owner for her 40th birthday. It just popped out from my mouth, without even thinking, that I could try to make her a piece of jewellery using hair from three generations of her mares. Everybody thought it was a great idea and so the gift problem was solved."

And there it was, a big promise and a beautiful vision! In this blog you will see many visions come true - and much more...

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